Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope you all have a good one. This is for Becky and the boys--Halloween of October 2004 I spent in Italy! Venice to be exact. I didn't see too many signs of celebration. I think i saw one jack-o-lantern cut out of paper hanging in someone's window and that was it. Anywho. I just came across this picture and wanted to post it and take a poll. A hunter in Pennsylvania claims to have taken this picture on an automatic set-up kind of deal, hoping to get pictures of deer. He got this instead. He believes it to be a sasquatch, as do others...but some claim it is just a bear with a bad case of mange. What do you think?
It is sasquach for sure!!!!! It is kind of a scary picture. Mom
Definitly Big Foot
hmmm.. since my input is by far the most important, I take great care when i state: I don't know.
i want to believe- i do-- but it does look like a sick bear. i think i need a first hand account from someone i trust- so i think you and dan should dedicate you lives to the big foot cause.
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