Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Our Mother
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Woohoo! Graduation!! As of may 2nd I’m an official college grad! It’s pretty nice to feel done with that. I titled this post "Graduação!" (guess what it means) in honor of my often overlooked and practically worthless Portuguese minor.
My last final was Friday and Angie and I celebrated by going to Golden corral. Angie said I could choose anywhere and she wouldn’t complain, so I took full advantage. The next day mom, dad, Deborah and Rachel with her kids all came up from salt lake to go to the commencement ceremony with us. Rachel was just coincidentally in town so it was special having her and tayson and mia there. Janet and Gregg came as well and the commencement was really quick and nice. There were only 25 or so of us walking in the College of Natural Resources and only 1 other Geography major. It was Spencer Waite, he and I have had classes together and been on group projects together so it was fun to talk with him. The ceremony was quick, consisting of a couple discourses on how we won’t find jobs and how NR majors don’t make any money. After wards we were taking pictures in the lobby of the morgan theater and the Bryans showed up! They had just come from josh’s soccer game and were wet and afraid they’d miss us. It was really fun to see them. The Bryans had to go, but the rest of us headed to the NR building for a free catered lunch which was really good, but really crowded in the NR lobby due to the rain. The family hung out for a couple hours at our apartment before heading back to salt lake. We watched return of the jedi and talked and played with the kids, it was the funnest part of the day, I thought.
P.S. If anyone reading this wants to hire a Geographer, I'm way qualified.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Vernal '92ish
A few weeks ago I decided to undertake a project I'd been considering for a year or two now. I wanted to start writing some memories I have of people in my life so I don't forget them. I originally limited it to my siblings and parents, but I've been adding random friends as good stories pop back into my mind. This is a story from my "Jacob File" that I thought was worth sharing:

Dad took me and jake on a work trip to Vernal once. I was probably 10 or so which would have made Jacob about 14. Dad had dropped us off at the dinosaur museum while he ran to a meeting or something and was going to come back to pick us up afterwards. We quickly saw all the museum had to offer and before long found ourselves sitting on a bench by the sidewalk in front of the museum singing “War, huh! … what is it good for?!” clapping our hands and singing in our best most shameless black guy voices while we danced around the bench infront of passing traffic. I think a procession of kindergarten kids even passed us on the sidewalk with their teacher. I’m sure they were very afraid and upset by the spectacle, but we had a lot of fun before dad picked us up.