Friday, February 20, 2009

what do you think?

okay, family and friends, i need some encouragement (but also your honest opinions and suggestions).  this is an idea that's been rolling around in my brain for awhile. i wanted to make some celebration banners but i wanted to be able to change the message without having to make an entire new banner. so i eventually came up with this. each flag has a button on it and each letter is on a smaller felt flag with a button-hole on it. so you can button the letters on and off, changing or personalizing your message. i thought it was the most ingenious idea and felt so clever.  :) i've been working on bits and pieces of it when i've had a chance and today finished my prototype. after i hung it up all i can seem to see is how the flags don't lay perfectly straight and the letter flags don't lay perfectly straight on top of the fabric. i just keep picking it apart. here's where i need some encouragement. 
that's okay, right?! that's what gives it personality and character. it's not going to be perfect. these are things i already know. i think. i just need to hear it from some others besides myself. anywho, do you think people would buy these? that was my hope.  please let me know what you think!


Annie and Jake Callister said...


I think its a great idea. I was trying to figure out whose birthday it was... As far as how it looks, I think it looks great. Its great idea for sure (and I am not even a cutsy/craftsy person) A few thoughts:

1. People buy an alphabet set (with duplicates of commonly occuring letters)
2. Maybe make smaller chains, so that people can utilize smaller spaces without awkward extra flags, and can just join the lengths somehow for longer ones.
3. ADd some flags with fun icons (smiles, Exlamation POints, etc.)

I think people could have alot of fun with these.

Now you have to make your site private, if you are going to share industry secrets


Daniel and Angie Callister said...

My wife is so clever

Rachel Ure said...

Really, really great! I would love to buy a set. i think there are others like me that would love a hand-made feel to their special event decorating.
Love that you shared it online ( i knew you were working on some secret crafty thing and not sharing!)

I actually had the same thoughts as jake as far as icons, length and of course letter choices.

I think that the fact that it doesn't lay flat is something that would bother you- the artist more than the customer.

But. if it is driving you crazy, maybe you could double button it ( top- bottom)

I love the buttons. it's like you get to "dress" your room for the party not just yourself. And the letter combos seem limitless!!!

Rachel Ure said...

I am at Rachel's right now, but this is really MOM. I really like them Angie. You told me your idea, and seeing them I totally can see that they are a great idea. I would like to buy a set. I think the suggestions you have received so far a good ones. However, I don't think that having empty flags would be bad at all....rather cute actually. I love them!!! MOM

ChrisG said...

I think it's great! And I kinda like that it doesn't lay totally flat -- makes it seem more homemade and less Walmart-like, in my mind.

Annie and Jake Callister said...

Cool Angie. There is something very fun about little flags.It reminds me of these cute blocks that some girls in my old ward made this year. They chose six different saying and put each letter of each phrase on a different side of the block. Then you just rotate the blocks depending on what you want to use it for. may the customer could choose their phrases and that way you are not having to make so many duplicate letters. Just an idea. Great job. I have been so uncrafty as of late :(


Rebekah said...

I think they are very cute, Angie! I would buy them, and Rachel is right that you probably notice the imperfections more than others would--the 2 button idea might be the thing to do if you just can't get them to hang straight.
So fun, so talented, so glad to know you!!