Sunday, October 5, 2008

what we've been up to

Angie and I have had a bit a fun the last few weeks. We went to Moab with Kent and Melissa and had a great time camping and hiking. It was great weather and even a little cloudy and misty. That's perfect Moab hiking conditions. While hanging out in Goblin Valley Kent was trying to show off and fell from a goblin rolling his ankle. He was on crutches for a couple of days after we got home, but he says he's fine now, just hurt pride. Angie and Deborah went to the So You Think You Can Dance tour at the Delta Center. Angie said it was the best time she's ever had in her life (she didn't actually say that, but you could tell she really liked it). They did her favorite dance and she said it gave her goose bumps. Last week we took a fun hike up to Mount Naomi here by Logan. It's the tallest peak in the area and a really pretty hike. I'd never done it, so I'm glad to have it under my belt now. We watched the salmon run at Porcupine reservoir, and I went to the USU / BYU football game with Dad, Josh and Caleb. And as if all that wasn't enough, Angie and I have been playing Zelda for the Super Nintendo. We want to beat it together (its the best game ever!) Angie hung in there for a little while, but it's pretty much been me for the last week. She watches and cheers me on. What a good time we've had these last couple of weeks!  (the aspens are to make jake jealous, and the rock art I swear is authentic)


Rebekah said...

Sounds like fun! Good to see you are doing so much memory-making!

Rachel Ure said...

I am so jealous that angie got to go see my best T.V. friends live on stage!!!! Cute pictures. You guys are so outdoorsy! I love dan's turban.

Annie and Jake Callister said...

Jealous in deed!!!
That all sounds like a lot of good times. I dont know how I haven't injured myself each time I have gone to Goblin Valley. Kent can be comforted by knowing that he was able to participate in the erosive process... in a very real and painful way. That is something special. Way to seize the day. Good luck with Zelda.