Friday, January 25, 2008

You be the Judge

This is in response 
to Jacob's comment 
on our last post. For 
all of you curious


Annie and Jake Callister said...

Obviously Dan F. took his coat off before the shot (to show off his norwegian sweater gifted to him by ABBA), and he has more of a "I am just all alone gazing across the landscape" look about him (which was much more popular in seventies than today)
Otherwise.. its impecable.
Regardless, its the first thing I thought of when I first saw your pic.


Daniel and Angie Callister said...

It's funny, before angie took the picture she said "give me something, i don't know... dan fogelbergish"

Rachel Ure said...

why doesn't anyone ever tell Me that I look like someone famous... sulk sulk

Josh said...

i had to wait until i updated my picture before i could make a comment on this post! its funny, before jake took this picture of me, he said something like..."josh LOOK OUT BEAR! " and i turned to see the flash of the camera. i love the picture though because it is one of the only i have of my "hair" days