On Labor Day Angie and I took the White Pine Scenic byway up to Coeur D'Alene and it was sooooo amazing! I've never seen more pine trees and the lake was incredible, it's so pretty and HUGE! we followed the lake for 20 miles weaving in and out of hidden little bays and just pine trees everywhere. We stopped in a fun little resort town right on the lake called Harrison and ate lunch and were obliged to dessert at one of the several ice-cream parlors. Coeur D'Alene itself is a beautiful city and we enjoyed driving around and getting acquainted with it. We had previously researched thrift stores in CD'A and mapped them out, we found that there are seriously 6 or 7 thrift stores literally within 3 or 4 blocks of each other! They were almost all closed because of the holiday, but we know right where to go next time! It was a pleasant 90 min drive home on the highway.