Angie and I sure appreciated mom and dad’s help moving up here and also the Nygards for the use of their trailer. It was 13 hours of driving with a full trailer through the mountain passes of eastern Idaho and western Montana, but we made it to our new home in Moscow, ID. Mom and Dad stayed for the weekend and we had lots of fun exploring our new city and spending time with them. We had fun one night playing with the wii and creating characters for everybody. Dad's was the best by far, we all got a really good kick out of his. When the time came It was hard to let them go. Now we're looking forward to Angie's parents who will be visiting us this next weekend!
Angie and I have really enjoyed it here so far. Moscow is a really cool city. Everything is really close and we love our neighborhood. There are so many little roads to explore and really great unique houses. Oh, and Moscow is the best city ever for yard sales! We've only been here for 2 Saturdays, but they've been the best 2 Saturdays of yard sales ever. There are great bike trails and campus is easy to bike to. Last week we went to the Lentil festival at the Washington State University campus in Pullman and today we drove to Troy for the Augustofest, also there was Hogfest here in Moscow today. Between the two universities there is always something fun going on, that’s cool.
I am slowly getting my bearing returning to school. For those of you who may not know, I am pursuing a Masters in Bioregional Planning from the University of Idaho. I like graduate school so far. The same people are in all of my classes and I work with them too in the lab. I have an assistantship with a professor of landscape architecture who is really nice and it keeps me busy reading articles and things. Between school and work I’ve read more this last week than any week in my life for sure and I’m still behind in my readings. Kind of stressful, but at least I stay busy.
Angie has been looking for work and has an interview Tuesday to teach at a preschool in Pullman. Wish her luck! We met most of our married student ward last night at a social. They’re almost all law students, but they seem nice.